Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Module Review 1

Hey guys!

I'm back (not on a regular basis, I know) and I'll be giving reviews for some NUS modules that I took the past 2 years. (I'm in Year 3 now by the way.) I hope these reviews will help some juniors in deciding whether these modules are worth taking. I wouldn't be talking about my core modules since I can't really choose to take them; I'll be assessing Unrestricted Electives (UE) modules and those under university requirement - breadth, SS, General Elective Modules (GEM). They are not ranked in any way, just listed in chronological order. Disclaimer: I'm a Life Sciences student, so what interests me might not interest you but generally, I'm quite lazy and like to procrastinate, so what's easy to me should be easy for you. HAHAHA!

1. PL1101E Introduction to Psychology
Semester: 1
Type: Breadth, UE
Difficulty level: 3/5
Interesting factor: 3/5
Workload: 1 x 2h lecture, 1 x 2h tutorial (alternate week)

Description: For the first half of the semester, the content is very interesting whereby you will get to learn a little about the anatomy of the brain, ears and eyes. There are also things like bystander effect, illusions and other fun facts. The next half is very clinical - experiments, theories... which bored me. And that explains the interesting factor of 3. Generally, it's a very content heavy module but not much of application. So, just memorise and regurgitate (and I mean it! I remember there were a few questions asking about the names of scientists/psychologists). Tutorials were rather easy to prepare for - just read through the questions given and discussed in class. Don't worry, tutorials are fun. We learnt about illusions and even played games to fool our brains. It was an amazing experience!

Assessment: There's only a mid term test of 100 MCQs, a take-home essay and a final exam comprising of 100 MCQ and 5 short essay questions. Other assessment components will include class participation etc.

Grade: B (I expected an A but I guess the 5 short essays during the final exam pulled me down... Oh well...)

2. PC1325 Einstein's Universe and Quantum Weirdness
Semester: 1
Type: Faculty, UE, Science GEM
Difficulty level: 4/5
Interesting factor: 2/5
Workload: 2 x 2h lecture, 1 x 1h tutorial (alternate week)

Description: This was one of the worst modules I have ever taken. It's a super abstract module, even for a Science student because of the quantum part. Many of the modules in NUS have deceiving names; don't believe them!!! In this module, it's a lot about relativity and quantum theory, which are more difficult-to-understand topics in physics. I managed to survive through with the help of two thin but elaborate books on relativity and quantum; I think they are available online (I still have it, if I'm not wrong). The only fun was at the last whereby the lecturer would talk about worm holes, black holes, the formation of stars and composition of stars. Oh, speaking of the lecturer, he seemed too engrossed and passionate that he sounded mad. #justsaying

Assessment: There's a test made up of MCQs, star gazing nights and a fictitious essay story. No final exam. Other assessment components will include class participation and tutorial homework.

Grade: B (good enough for me!)

3. PR2202 Cosmetics and Perfumes
Semester: 2
Type: UE
Difficulty level: 2/5
Interesting factor: 4/5
Workload: 2 x 2h lecture

Description: This was the best module for me! It's really a CAP puller. Maybe because cosmetics and perfumes are sort of like a girl's thing, they are rather easy to understand. Don't misunderstand, guys can benefit a lot of this module as well. The lecturers cover almost everything from head to toe - hair (hair cycle, balding, shampoo), face, dry/oil/mix skin, moisturizers, differences between cream and serum, unisex perfumes, men's colognes, product labels etc. The lecturers made things very easy by regurgitating key words over and over again so that they just get embedded in your brain without any effort from you. Lectures were also made interesting with jokes, examples and product samples. It's really insightful and useful when you are out buying some facial foams or perfume for yourself or your friends.

Assessment: There's a take home quiz made up of MCQs. which you are expected to search for the answers using the URLs given (so it's super easy to get full marks!), a project (we were made to create a product with the general ingredients and labels, and feature it in a posture) and one final exam (MCQs as well).

Grade: A (no doubt about that!)

4. LAB1201 Bahasa Indonesia 1
Semester: 2
Type: Breadth, UE
Difficulty level: 3/5
Interesting factor: 3/5
Workload: 2 x 2h tutorial (I think)

Description: Language modules are never easy but the tutors for this module are very good. They are very friendly and patient. As all lessons are seminar styled, there will always be sufficient interaction with the tutors which ultimately helps in your learning. The tutors will make sure everyone in the class master the contents for that day, so your load is kind of lessen. And also, it's an Asian language (with English alphabets) and is quite similar to the Malay language, so it's quite easy to pick up.

Assessment: There's a mid term test, a cultural project (taking up roles to run a cultural night; there are mainly logistics and performance groups like dance, sing and percussion; I was under logistics and my job involves interviewing one of the performance groups, doing up a poster about it and taking videos on the actual day), oral and listening tests (simple ones). No final exam. Other components will include class participation etc.

Grade: A

5. FMS1207C Gemstones, Minerals and Rocks
Semester: 2
Type: Faculty, UE
Difficulty level: 1/5
Interesting factor: 4/5
Workload: 1 x 2h tutorial

Description: As a FreshMen Seminar (FMS) module, it's no doubt very simple to pass. I don't think there's anymore of it because of the change in CAP system but I'll still briefly mention it. Basically, we learnt about different and more common gemstones, minerals and a few rocks in terms of composition, how they are formed, where they are commonly found, prices... It's an eye-opening module indeed.

Assessment: There's a field trip which requires a written report after that. There's also a presentation to be done on a selected stone.

Grade: CS

I will stop here for the time being and continue the next time. Just a few words before I go, university is the last lap of your education and is also the only time you can choose your modules, so enjoy it with useful and interesting ones that can help pull your CAP, and CCAs.

Lots Of Love (LOL),


  1. Hello Jensylee! Greatly appreciate your review on PR2202!! From what you have mentioned, I am having high hopes for this modules since it is going to be so fun!!:) I was wondering if you can share pr2202 files with me?:) like lec notes,tut,pyp..
    Would appreciate your help!:)
    (p.s. i can send an email to you if you would leave your email here)

    1. Hi! Sure, i can send you some stuffs but definitely not the group project materials as it's a collective effort from other people. You can email me at

    2. ohh thanks so much!:)

    3. hello Jensylee! I have yet to receive the files though...
      :/ is the file too large or sending failed? sorry for the trouble><

  2. hi!!
    Thanks so much for your review!
    Wanted to ask u if the lectures are webcasted?

  3. hi!!
    Thanks so much for your review!
    Wanted to ask u if the lectures for PR2202 Cosmetics and perfumes are webcasted?

    1. Yes, they are webcasted when i took the mod back in last year sem 2.


Hey! Thanks for dropping by. Your comments are greatly appreciated:)